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IHDA - NEW - Protocole An-Ki-Nam (Facebook - Paysage).png

Prêt(e) à découvrir la fréquence de l’état de Prospérité dans toutes les facettes de ton Être et de ta MultiD ?

The training that we ourselves would have liked to receive!

This training combines nearly 4 hours of teaching, nearly 3 hours of channeling practice (divided into 8 modules in video format) and including 44 pages of PDF (additional tools and exercises), in order to help you not only receive the messages of the guides and your essence more clearly, but above all to invite you to possibly live constantly in this connection in order to enrich your life in all its facets.


The veils between our reality and the "world of the subtle" are more and more fine and your natural capacity to perceive them continually increases (according to the rise of the vibratory rate of humanity and its environment). Allow us to guide you in the reappropriation and deployment of your innate faculties to experience this fabulous world.


It is a basic training which is intended to be very complete.

THE training that we ourselves would have liked to receive ...


3 séances de 60 minutes

comprenant un exercice de visualisation consciente guidée, du langage de lumière et des activations vibratoires

En format préenregistré

disponible via la plateforme Podia (la première séance sera accessible dès ton inscription, puis une (1) aux trois (3) jours respectivement)

Accès illimité

tant que les vidéos sont disponibles sur Podia.

The training that we ourselves would have liked to receive!

This training combines nearly 4 hours of teaching, nearly 3 hours of channeling practice (divided into 8 modules in video format) and including 44 pages of PDF (additional tools and exercises), in order to help you not only receive the messages of the guides and your essence more clearly, but above all to invite you to possibly live constantly in this connection in order to enrich your life in all its facets.


The veils between our reality and the "world of the subtle" are more and more fine and your natural capacity to perceive them continually increases (according to the rise of the vibratory rate of humanity and its environment). Allow us to guide you in the reappropriation and deployment of your innate faculties to experience this fabulous world.


It is a basic training which is intended to be very complete.

THE training that we ourselves would have liked to receive ...

Prêt(e) à habiter de plus en plus l'état d'Être An-Ki-Nam ?

Image de Edward Cisneros

« Ça m’a vraiment aidée à comprendre beaucoup de choses, à des niveaux plus vastes… je pense qu’on met ça beaucoup plus compliqué que c’est. On se rend compte de nos différences, de nos unicités respectives dans nos capacités à canaliser. Ça m’a amené beaucoup d’ouvertures, j’ai compris plein de choses. Dorénavant je choisis de vivre ma journée à partir de mon espace expansé. Merci beaucoup ! »

- Colette

Femme à lunettes

« Je me sens libérée, expansée. Vos explications ont ouvert une dimension totalement différente par rapport à l’état de connexion et à ma façon de la vivre.  C’est la première fois que je peux à la fois le comprendre dans mon corps (dans mes perceptions) et que ça fait un sens dans mon esprit. C’est tellement plus simple que ce que je pensais - je cherchais quelque chose de plus compliqué, dans le faire... je comprends maintenant. »


- Dominique

jeune Homme

« Merci de partager votre sagesse, vos expériences et votre vision tout en promouvant l'autonomie et l'écoute intérieure. J’expérimente beaucoup d'ouverture à tous les niveaux, un changement de regard global sur moi-même, sur les autres, sur le monde en général. Tous les domaines de ma vie sont impactés bénéfiquement. Je vis des mises à jour profondes dans mes systèmes. C'est hyper puissant. Je canalise de mieux en mieux. Merci infiniment. »

- Daniel

Tes hôtes et activateurs de l'expérience An-Ki-Nam


Marc Babin


Avec une expérience de plus de 15 ans en épanouissement personnel et en éveil de conscience, Marc est fondateur de l'Institut HDA - l'humain de demain aujourd'hui. Auteur, formateur et coach certifié en PNL (programmation neurolinguistique) utilisant principalement la canalisation comme outil de reconnexion et d’enseignement, il accompagne les gens dans leur propre processus de déploiement. L’expertise de Marc découle de son expérimentation de la vie à travers ses multiples façons de l’observer telles que la métaphysique, la spiritualité, la science, la philosophie, l'histoire, les plantes sacrées et plus encore.


Sylvie Goudreau​

Fondatrice de l’Institut HDA – l’Humain de demain aujourd’hui, Sylvie partage ses expériences et son expertise en expansion multidimensionnelle et connexions avec les civilisations galactiques. Depuis plus de 10 ans, elle propose des enseignements canalisés et de l’expérimentation permettant aux humains de vivre de puissants shifts d’états de conscience, pour se redécouvrir en tant qu’êtres multidimensionnels et citoyen.nes galactiques évoluant dans un univers quantique… propulsant leurs expériences de vie à un tout autre niveau. Avec humour, amour et simplicité, Sylvie facilite les enseignements de l’Université d’Orion, de l’Alliance Interstellaire et des Humains de demain de la fréquence Enanika, en compagnie de Tiffany, Keira, Shayla, Aria et plusieurs autres guides multiD.

IHDA - NEW - Protocole An-Ki-Nam (Facebook - Paysage).png

Viens vivre le Protocole An-Ki-Nam !

Le Protocole An-Ki-Nam

en ligne avec accès illimité est

d'une valeur de 300 $CA

The training that we ourselves would have liked to receive!

This training combines nearly 4 hours of teaching, nearly 3 hours of channeling practice (divided into 8 modules in video format) and including 44 pages of PDF (additional tools and exercises), in order to help you not only receive the messages of the guides and your essence more clearly, but above all to invite you to possibly live constantly in this connection in order to enrich your life in all its facets.


The veils between our reality and the "world of the subtle" are more and more fine and your natural capacity to perceive them continually increases (according to the rise of the vibratory rate of humanity and its environment). Allow us to guide you in the reappropriation and deployment of your innate faculties to experience this fabulous world.


It is a basic training which is intended to be very complete.

THE training that we ourselves would have liked to receive ...


plus taxes applicables

Tu peux également effectuer le PAIEMENT UNIQUE par Virement Interac. Clique sur le logo ci-joint pour remplir le formulaire d'inscription. 

Interac logo real.png

Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you choose to cancel your participation in the March 2021 cohort of the HTT Program  / Programme HDA, we will reimburse you the registration fees without any questions under the following conditions:

  • 100% of the amount paid can be refunded before September 13th, 2021

  • No refund after the start of the Program, i.e. from September 13th, 2021

  • Beyond September 13th, 2021, if you were obliged to interrupt your training during the program for reasons beyond your control, you would then be able to continue the Program within the next cohort, in starting again in the week and in the block corresponding to the time of your stop, and this at no additional cost.

In the event that the HDA Institute is obliged to cancel the Program for any reason whatsoever, you will be reimbursed in proportion to the number of weeks that have been completed (if applicable).


  • This service is not an "oracle" or "clairvoyance". It is part of the continuity of our mandate to make you autonomous in consolidating your connection with your Essence in order to help you deploy it in concrete actions in your daily life.

  • We do not do therapy and at no time can this service replace a therapeutic process or the taking of prescribed medication. If the exercise proposed during the channeling session elicits strong emotions, physical symptoms or other, we recommend that you call on the appropriate professional resources to investigate and resolve these issues.

  • We do not hold the truth and we stand for your full autonomy and responsibility - at all times it is essential that you listen to yourself and act according to what is most beneficial for you, your well-being and your health .

“WOW! I have never experienced this. It is UNIQUE.

There is nothing that looks like this. "

“I LOVE your approach!I have seen it nowhere else and experienced things from it. "

"Do you realize what you're doing?" IT'S BREATHTAKING! The way you guide us, the right words… a journey that transforms. "

“You get people to TAKE BACK THEIR POWER. I did not expect that. WOW! "

"You THROW me to the ground.
I'm on the ass! "

"I really didn't think I was going there ...


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